Customer Policy (Students)


Email Privacy for Customers (students)     

       All customers have the basic right to privacy when they are sharing information via email. Any personal information or contact information shared between an employee and a customer should remain confidential unless granted permission by that customer. Most companies should have a privacy policy that protects the rights of its customers and clearly outlines the responsibilities of its employees in maintaining these rights. Violation of customer privacy can lead to mistrust, lawsuits, and can even potentially place your customer at risk for scams. Customers should and are becoming increasingly aware of the information that they are sharing online. However, it is the ultimate responsibility of employees to uphold this privacy. 

Schools Monitoring computers for students.

The University of Belize monitors very closely the computers provided to their students. They even assign a lab monitor to be of any assistance to the students. They are very strict when it comes to students using another student identity and password for illegal or unethical behavior. Hence, students are require to sign in or out every time they use a computer at the school lab. 

Students behavior after classes.

    •   Students must adhere to the policies of University of Belize even after classes while still taking into consideration the Laws of Belize
    •     Students under 18 years must not consume any kind of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and any illegal drugs on or off campus. 

Rules Regarding what students can display on Social Media

·         Students are free to use and access Social Media as a positive communication tool within certain parameters.

  •        They are advised not to post or share confidential information about students, faculty, staff and administrators.
  •          They are not to post or share the UB logo or University images without consent or permission.
  •         They are advised not to use social media as for any kind of bullying or any wrongful doing towards others. 

Why you would like to enforce the rules? 

The rules that the University of Belize have implemented such as no confidential information of the student body and staff, UB logo without the school consent and any activity leading to harassment or bullying should be maintain for as long as it takes. It is important that confidential information such as address and students grade be kept safe to prevent any wrongful use of their information. Also using the school logo without consent can lead to unavoidable incidents to occur.


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